What We Do

Insight for a new Decade:

The power of alumni is not a new idea. As we enter a new decade, this is an opportunity to radically think about our connections, networking and our communities. We have a formidable task ahead of us with the Global Goals. As we become active, globally engaged alumni citizens can we collectively tackle these challenges. KITE presents insight on the innovative role of alumni in personal and professional transformation and how this can impact our wider world.

You can follow the Decade of Alumni Connection with the hashtag #alumnidecade and through Twitter @keepintouched and Instagram on @keepintoucheducation.

Our founder Maria is available as a keynote or motivational speaker at your next event or conference to discuss the power of the global alumni citizen, the power of alumni networking, alumni volunteering, alumni and philanthropy and other innovative alumni topics as agreed to match the objectives of your event.


Research with impact:

Our academic expertise in alumni-related empirical research means KITE can design and deliver research that draws on and creates ground-breaking theory in alumni innovation for practical, positive impact for alumni policy and initiatives. Visit the Resources page to see some examples of past research projects and the KITE White Paper 2019 on global alumni networks.


Education, the Alumni Way:

The only way to create meaningful, alumni global citizens is by educating them directly on the benefits of this role for themselves and for their communities. KITE offers educational courses including workshops, Webinars/seminars and online mastermind courses to recognise, rediscover and reveal the alumni way for our organisation’s partners, alumni relations professionals, service and leadership teams and of course—and most importantly—for alumni themselves. See a list of education offerings here.

Alumni Innovation:

To create meaningful alumni engagement, we first need alumni innovation. We need to think creatively about our policy, our strategy, our programmes, our infrastructure, our strengths. KITE can help support your organisation’s first attempt at engaging your alumni or to act as an advisor to build alumni initiatives diffused across the organisation for maximum impact. Since alumni is synonymous with a community, perhaps your organisation is considering reaching out to past participants, fellows, awardees—the list is endless! KITE is available to explore alumni in all its forms and shared experiences to maximise its impact and create a supportive sense of community. Contact Maria by e-mail to explore ways for expert alumni advisor services to bring alumni innovation into your organisation.


The Decade of Alumni Connection

Since I was an undergrad over 20 years ago, things have seismically changed in our lives. First there was the internet, our gateway to the information of the world. Next was social media, the constant glowing screen, an opportunity to present our virtual lives online.

What’s next? Do we continue to have the capacity to consume the amount of information, the keep-up-with-the-joneses pace of the last decade?

I believe the next stage is a backlash. We are going to demand meaningful connection. We are going to re-engage with our communities. We are going to rediscover those things in life that we always loved (before social media consumed so much of our time).

This is a time for a connection revolution.

We can reconnect with ourselves. Our shared experiences and the people we care about the most. In 2020 is the beginning of the Decade of Alumni Connection.


Alumni is not only your school or college of graduation. It can include this if this is meaningful or powerful for you. Think of all your shared experiences in your life. This is a time to take stock. What really matters. What will provide me with a community and connections that will enhance my life, for life?

Embrace your alumni self. Alumni in all those rich and exciting shared experiences that bring a smile to your face. Reconnect with these organisations, schools, colleges, universities, and people that can collectively enhance your personal and professional life. These alumni connections can also collectively be agents of change. We can collectively improve our local communities, open businesses, create new initiatives, transform other people’s lives. We can impact the Sustainable Development Goals during this final decade to 2030 to contribute to a global response for a better world.


Join the movement.
Start small for Mighty results!

  • Follow and use the hashtag #alumnidecade

  • Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @keepintoucheducation

  • Reach out to me on LinkedIn and let’s schedule a chat to discuss.

Update your contact details with the shared experiences, your alma maters that align with your values, that speak to you. Places that can make a difference to you and where you can make a difference in the lives of others.

Tell others about the importance of finding our alumni selves. Let’s design and demand the change we want to see to make our alumni connections more meaningful today than ever before.

Let’s start the alumni revolution!